What’s shaken’ Party People!
It’s after 10 pm and I’ve just set up my new studio in our new pad. So far so good.
We’re still in the process of moving, thankfully all the heavy stuff has been moved, a big thanks to my sister in law Crystal for all the help, it would have been hell without her help. Now all we have left is what I call “House Shakins’”. It’s all maddening but hey, there are worse things to complain about.
Speaking of witch, it looks like I might have another lesion or tumor in my neck, lucky me, I get to go back for another surgery. Then again I could look at it like,”Well there’s something growing in my neck but at least we caught it early and I live in a place where there are great surgeons who can help me!” Looking on the bright side is a useful tool to deal with trauma, I’m also finding that it’s also a great way of not dealing with said trauma. That’s why I’m in therapy, I want to face this head on.
My Dad died when I was barely a teenager, he got a disease that broke down the tissue of his heart. He got sick by working in a mine that had the airborne bacteria, it killed everyone in that mine in six months, my Dad made it a year, that’s how strong he was. My father didn’t haver a therapist to talk to about his mortality, even if he had,I’m not sure he would have done it, guys were just wired differently back then. Needless to say, he wasn’t the strong tower of a man that I grew up with . Towards the end he had become bitter and angry, someone I didn’t want to be around anymore. It’s like someone had possessed the man I knew and some frail, bitter guy took his place. I don’t think it was a conscious choice on his part, I think he got lost in the tidal wave of emotion we call mortality. Now that I’m in a similar situation, I can see where he was coming from.Hence the therapy.
I don’t think this therapy is going to make me feel better about the cancer in my body what I hope to find is another perspective about my life, my friends, my family and of course my wife Jennie. When it comes down to it, I don’t want to put any of you through what I went through as a kid. I feel like I have a personal view on this experience that I can share and with any luck, make a positive addition the the human experience. The first lesson I’m learning is how not to take myself too seriously, that’s going to be tough seeing as I’m pretty seiousa bout being me =P
So in an effort to face this head on, I’m going to look inward and work me from the inside out. I’m going to give myself a challenge for 30 days. I’ve done these before and I’ve always gotten something out of it, it’s just never what I thought it was going to be. so the challenge will be based on activities that will work on the physical, emotional, as well as the intellect. I have to pick one of these tasks once a day and I can’t repeat any of these more than two days in a row. I’m also setting these boundaries so I don’t find an easy task and stick to just that.
One hour a day with me, that’s the challenge. I must spend an hour a day-
working out
All three of those tasks are things I should be doing daily but I find them to be either an obstacle or a fantasy of a me who is more motivated, a me that makes good choices, a me who is more me. I’m going to start this challenge this Saturday , if anyone wants to join me, hit me up on Facebook, I’ll have a page set up for it. Let’s share our progress and see what is in store for us one the other side of this!
Till next time Party People, keep on a chooglin’